
Find out how OscilloSoft has helped Connelly Project Resources Group, better known as CPR Group, effectively enhance its operations through improved project management and efficient invoicing using Zoho Projects


CPR Group is one of Australia’s leading sports governance and community development firms. It operates with less than 50 employees. CPR Group offers a team of trustworthy and competent advisors to help the clients create effective master plans and outstanding facility strategies for better sports governance. The company can provide their clients with business and feasibility studies, land management plans, sports and recreation plans, and tailored constitutions.

National and state bodies, universities and councils envision sports to contribute to a community identity and engagement. Building the foundations to facilitate such contributions is a big task and it requires intricate and meticulous planning and detailing. The diversity of sports and sporting activities (including social sport and active  recreation) make it an ideal medium to reach men and women from every age-group, culture, and socio-economic background.

The broader benefits of sport go beyond the personal benefits derived from participation. Sport is a popular focal point for strategies that underpin government and non-government organisational policies for community development and social inclusion. Therefore, CPR Group believes that it can contribute to Australia’s vision of sports and community development, engagement, and progress with effective, thorough, and ground-up strategy.


CPR Group uses various apps to manage their day-to-day operations. However, these apps have shortcomings in terms of efficient data flow between systems and automation processes. As a result, the business’s processes are prone to human error.

Before using Zoho CRM, CPR Group has used different systems to conduct and manage their project and operations as given in the table below.

Project Management Systems table

Project Management was the main focus of CPR Group’s drive towards improved and consistent business operations.  Before making the switch to Zoho Projects, CPR Group were using Tidywork to manage their projects. However, they found this system to be cumbersome. They needed a system that can be used to track and assign projects or tasks to their users and create invoices accordingly. With Tidywork, CPR Group had difficulty in tracking invoicing against the project. Furthermore, Tidywork did not provide oversight into the projects and business operations  such as date-specified performance and profitability of projects and utilisation of marketing budget.

Prior to using Zoho CRM, the CPR Group managed their customer data using Capsule CRM. For them, the integrity of their data was highly important. The data in the Capsule CRM was unorganised and the cleanup was difficult.  They needed a vendor to care about the data integrity and transition from Capsule to Zoho CRM.

To summarise, CPR Group needed extra functionalities in terms of:

  • Grouping clients based on views

  • Having a clearer UI

  • Managing data

  • Overseeing the projects


OscilloSoft has recommended incorporating the Zoho One suite to centralise and enhance CPR Group’s business operations and system flows. The suite consists of Zoho CRM and Zoho Projects that will replace Capsule CRM and Tidywork respectively. Zoho Projects is then integrated with the Zoho CRM and will be used to set up each user against their projects or tasks and time entry after a deal is won.

To address the challenge of invoicing and its tracking, OscilloSoft created the custom subform ‘Touch and Go’ which creates a temporary draft Invoice without creating it in the Invoice module. The point of this subform is for breaking up the deal into milestones. Once the draft has been finalised, the data is then synced to the Invoice module through a custom button created inside the Zoho CRM called ‘Build Milestones’. This subform is relevant to CPR Group’s business process, as they do not bill their clients entirely in one go, but through incremental transactions hence the need for that functionality.

CPR Group required their data to be migrated from Capsule CRM to Zoho CRM. Capsule CRM does not have automatic migration to Zoho CRM. Hence, the data was downloaded from the Capsule CRM and then uploaded onto the Zoho CRM which was manipulated to accept the data. After the data was uploaded, it underwent fixing and cleansing.  The difficult part of this data migration process was creating the extra fields for matching the data.

Another essential functionality OscilloSoft created for CPR Group was to separate their legacy historical data. After importing into Zoho CRM, the historical data was kept as a whole. The information was not categorized. Therefore, OscilloSoft created a functionality inside the CRM where the legacy history data can be separated and categorized into emails, headings, notes, and phone calls.

Application Flow Diagram


Through Zoho’s customized solutions, OscilloSoft has helped CPR Group improve its overall business operations. The new CRM system has provided a more organized and manageable workflow. Thus, CPR Group is now able to save more time when managing clients. After integrating the system, CPR Group is enjoying a new approach management system with better project tracking using analytics, clearer UI, defined user experience, easy navigation, and improved data entry.

By | 2021-11-01T16:20:44+10:00 November 16th, 2020|Business Consulting, Project Management, Training, Zoho Projects|Comments Off on CPR Group