
Google Apps integrated with Zoho CRM provided the perfect cloud based solution for improved communication between team and clients and better project visibility across the company.


Fytogreen Australia, for years, has helped Australian and international property developers, architects, landscape architects and urban designers seeking to create beautiful, environmentally sustainable gardens integrated into the architectural form.

Since 2002, Fytogreen Australia is able to supply proprietary roof garden media components to approximately 55,000m2 of roof gardens throughout Australia. Fytogreen has worked with the majority of Tier 1 and Tier 2 construction contractors, either directly in design and construct projects or indirectly in the capacity of a sub-contractor to the principle landscape contractor.

Under the leadership of Geoff Heard, Managing Director, Fytogreen has 30 years of horticultural industry experience and over 9 years delivering green roofs, green walls and vertical gardens. Fytogeen is at the cutting-edge in our field. We are passionate horticulturalists, always learning and experimenting with new plant species in all sorts of climatic conditions. We establish test beds in the Fytogreen nursery and carefully document and evaluate growth rates, water usage and survival rates. Test beds for Green Roofs are planted at varying degrees of roof pitch, and left untouched, unwatered. From herbs and vegetables to flowering plants, the Vertical Garden poses on-going research and development challenges, whether for indoor or outdoor situations.

Fytogreen Logo


  • Data was stored in various spreadsheet and documents which was hard to share and keep track of

  • Once a laptop was lost thus loosing all data with it, no adequate back up system.

  • Team members could not access data from outside the office. Lot of paper was involved in order to print and carry

  • No pipeline or dashboard visibility on tender offerings for projects

  • Spreadsheet was becoming overwhelming to manage



We would lack transparency – Now we can interrogate the database to locate Potentials, ascertain the Stage, who is responsible & see the history log

– David Maloney, Account Manager


  • with Zoho CRM now we have got rid of all spreadsheets. All data is stored under one system.

  • Google Apps talks very nicely with Zoho CRM so all communication is logged and very easy find

  • All users can access the same data and avoid duplicating information

  • Management has a true sales dashboard which shows project visibility across the business.

  • zoho campaigns we can now communicate better with our clients and potentials clients. It provided better engagement model with our customer base and helped us generate new business.

  • No need to worry about back up or loss of laptop. Everything is on the cloud.

  • Custom built workflow ensures we don’t forget anything as CRM reminds us to follow up.

By | 2021-11-01T17:23:30+10:00 September 5th, 2018|Building Construction|Comments Off on Fytogreen