
Need more new business? Try direct marketing

//Need more new business? Try direct marketing

For most businesses in Australia getting more clients is the name of the game. There are many ways in which you can go about doing this. Some small to medium sized businesses will go down the path of Adwords, while others will obviously try more aggressive online strategies such as search engine optimisation or retargeting to get new clients through the front door.

However, what is interesting is that whilst most businesses focus on trying to get more foot traffic through the front door, that is, getting more eyeballs on their website, most people forget one really important factor; their current client base. That’s right! At your disposal and right at your finger tips is a wealth of new business opportunities by marketing directly to your existing client base.

A interesting fact is that most businesses and companies are that obsessed with getting new business that they actually ignore hundreds if not thousands of clients they have just waiting for an update on a product or service. You will be surprised, even amazed by how responsive your clients will be if they receive some information from you regarding a sale, special, new employee, a bond new product or even some industry insight or gossip. Think of it like putting a ‘sale sign’ or specials sign’ on your shop front for a posy Christmas sale. People will naturally gravitate towards this and you will start to generate interest in what you have to sell or offer.

This is so much easier to do than you thought possible and so many business owners put this on the back burner or tend to put up their hands inaptly because they simply do not have the right tools anther disposal to implement this direct marketing campaign. This is where the beauty and simplicity of Oscillosoft shines on through. It really is designed to make your life so much easier when it comes to direct marketing and keeping your current clients informed about your business. It really doesn’t matter the size or type of industry your in. Oscillosoft is scalable, dynamic and will work in nicely with all businesses and is really one of the best CRM for sales management and lead management in Australia.

Sure you should continue with your current marketing strategies but you should also expand your marketing reach by seriously considering a direct marketing campaign at least once a month. Keeping your customers informed and up to date is now simple and so easy to do. All you need to do islet in touch with one of our friendly team and we will be more than happy to show you how implementing Oscillosoft’s Zoho CRM will be one of the best marketing moves you can possible make for 2018.

Now every single sales lead or website inquiry you have can be tracked, managed and nurtured throughout the sales cycle. With Zoho never again will a sales lead be wasted.


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