
Monthly Webinar #3

/Monthly Webinar #3

Create Journey & Map Out a Systematic Sales & Operational Process in Zoho CRM

In this installment of our Monthly Webinar series, we take a look into what can arguably be defined as the most elusively difficult jobs of a Business Dev, Creating a Sales Process. 

The need for a standardised and consistent business process is something every sales agent can attest to and with the start-up scene looking more and more promising every year, it’s a definitely one of the first things you should be looking into at as an SME.

These processes however, are more than just a checklist of the emails you need to send out to your clients. Both in terms of depth (how far in you can map) and breadth (how broad you can go), a typical, well-laid out business process will do a lot more than send out the right things at the right time.

In short, we believe it can improve the way you conduct your business and have an almost immediately noticeable impact on your overall efficiency.

So, with that in mind, month’s webinar covers how you are able to do just that using Zoho CRM, or more specifically, BluePrints in Zoho CRM :

  • The importance of a well mapped sales process.

  • A tutorial into creating simple processes using Zoho CRM’s BluePrints.

  • A look into how these BluePrints can immediately impact your sales agent’s workflow .

  • A quick rundown of the Command Centre feature in Zoho CRM.

By | 2020-12-07T15:53:23+10:00 December 7th, 2020|Tutorials, Webinars, Zoho CRM|0 Comments

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