
OscilloSoft’s Extension Webinars #1 – BurstSMS

/OscilloSoft’s Extension Webinars #1 – BurstSMS

Engaging Better With Your Clients by Streamlining Your SMS Process Using Zoho CRM

It’s finally here! Out webinar series where we take a closer look at each of our extensions to see how they work, how they can be worked by you, and what your business has to gain from them; basically an introduction to the extension.

In this case, it’s The Zoho CRM 2 Burst SMS extension.

Nesting on a daily 23 billion text message count, a 98% open rate and a 209% better response rate compared to outreach via phone, email or Facebook, using SMS to reach your customers is a proven way to let your clients know what’s up. And with the credentials of a CRM already well established, the extension serves the purpose of bridging the apps to enable them further.

This where the Zoho CRM 2 Burst SMS extension comes in. Acting as a bridge between your Burst SMS with your Zoho CRM, it facilitates consolidation and an efficient record-keeping and process execution.

So aiming to give you a better idea of how it works, this month’s webinar starts off at the utter basics of utilising the app and then the functionalities of the extension including :

  • Sending and receiving SMS directly through a record and in bulk.

  • Checking SMS Histories and Timelines

  • Creating SMS Templates

  • Setting up Event Reminders

So, if any of these topics perked your ears, give the recording a watch and stay tuned for the next webinar in our OscilloSoft Extension Webinar series !
(Hint : The topic was mentioned in this one)

By | 2021-08-04T11:34:41+10:00 February 12th, 2021|Webinars|0 Comments

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