
[Zoho Practitioner Webinars] Taking Payments in Zoho CRM – Oscillosoft

/[Zoho Practitioner Webinars] Taking Payments in Zoho CRM – Oscillosoft

When taking payments in Zoho CRM, you don’t need to login to payment gateways such as PayPal – often needing to create duplicate invoices – before a payment can be processed.

Now you can create an invoice within Zoho CRM, click the “Pay Now” button, and a tab will be opened to process the payment. Then just fill in the credit card details, hit process payment, and voila, the payment has gone through.

Oscillosoft On-site Payments Plugin (OPP) is a virtual POS terminal that allows the payment of invoices directly from Zoho CRM. With just a few clicks, you have taken payment from your client inside Zoho CRM. It doesn’t get simpler than this.

Through the years of working closely with companies and businesses and providing them effectivel solutions, we have observed the need for a one-stop CRM software that allows businesses to take payments directly in the system and make it easier for accountants and sales to record which customers have paid their invoices and which ones haven’t. One of the challenges of the major challenges in invoicing and requesting for payment is the manual sending of reminders to customers. This plugin by Oscillosoft aims to eliminate this.

For more details, please see https://www.oscillosoft.com.au/solutions/payment-gateways/

By | 2020-10-29T18:50:01+10:00 May 9th, 2019|Custom Solution, Tutorials, Zoho CRM, Zoho Support|0 Comments

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